Wednesday, April 11, 2012


This song has been stuck in my head for the past couple days. I saw Sander Van Doorn at SKILLS etd.POP at Oracle Arena in Oakland about a week and a half ago. That night was amazing, to say the least. One of the best raves I've ever been to. The video in the last post is actually from that night.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


It's 2012 and Blogspot is back! Okay.. maybe not. But MY blogspot is back. I feel like blogging but I don't want to make a Tumblr like the cool kids. I AM on Instagram tho, so that's kinda cool, right? username: ryancheco.

Detailed update on myself from the past two years to follow in the next post. maybe.

here's a cool vid to keep you entertained while you constantly refresh your browser to see if I updated